ſ Barcelona MANE The Scent of Design


24 May 2024

In order to develop the perfume, each group of students received advice from a renowned perfumer from MANE

A nightgown that includes a sachet impregnated with that scent that reminds us of human contact with a special person. An interactive space that fuses fashion and interior design in a bid to transport us to the universe of a nebula, or a sanctuary with a central waterfall, where we can relax and experience a fragrance. A fashion show in which — as if it were a hurricane — a drone distributes perfume in the atmosphere. A packaging proposal inspired by pirates, with the bottle guarded under lock and key. A cigarette case filled with vials instead of cigarettes, so we can take our fragrances to the party. Perfume as an element to escape monotony. And when fragrance takes shape bearing a woman’s name.

These were the nine proposals presented by second-year Fashion, Transportation, Product and Graphic Design Students, who, in teams, took part in The Scent of Design; an interdisciplinary co-creation project within the framework of the collaboration between ſ Barcelona and MANE, the number one group in France and one of the world leaders in the fragrance industry; which enabled students to work on the design process, starting from an idea through to its formal and olfactory characterisation.

In total, 10 sessions were carried out over the course of three months, in which students undertook a sensory introduction to the world of perfumery to enable them to go on to develop a fashion, product, interior or transportation design proposal, and create a new fragrance to accompany it.

In order to develop the perfume, each group of two students received advice from a renowned perfumer. To this end, the “noses” from MANE who collaborated in the project were Cristiano Canali, Véronique Nyberg and Jérôme Di Marino.

Two winners

The project, mentored by David Ortega, Teacher at ſ Barcelona, along with Fanny Meunier and Mónica Ordóñez of MANE, came to an end with a final double recognition. A jury composed of Capucine Villard Altounyan, Fragrance Director; éline Vallé, Fragrance Development Manager; and Anna Mas, Marketing Manager at MANE, as well as academic representation from ſ by Pilar Pasamontes, Fashion Scientific Director, and Julia Weems, Head of the Fashion School, among others, awarded prizes for Best 360º Concept and Best Conceptual Adaptation to Perfume.

The students of the two winning projects, “Escape” and “Pell a pell”, respectively, will travel to Paris, where they will where they will spend a day immersing themselves in the world of the perfume in a visit to the MANE offices.

“MANE is proud of the projects carried out by ſ Barcelona students in this interdisciplinary module. Our perfumers, Jérôme Di Marino, Cristiano Canali and Véronique Nyberg, really enjoyed co-creating with the students. Each one of them is a unique source of inspiration and impeccable creativity.”

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